Sunday, December 9, 2012

Kurikulum Bahasa Inggris


A. Background
Curriculum as a draft in education has a strategic position, because all educational activities geared towards the curriculum. Once the importance of curriculum as centers of educational activities, then in the formulation requires a strong base or foundation, through thinking and research in depth. Basically the curriculum is a system that consists of several components. Each of the components that make up the curriculum relate to each other, so that in the process of curriculum development perjatian must obtain the same magnitude. The components, which are components of the objectives, contents, methods, and evaluation component. The process of curriculum development is indeed a complex thing, because it requires not only mastery of technical skills, but more than that curriculum developers should be able to anticipate berbgai factors influencing curriculum development both internally and externally.
The curriculum development process is an activity to produce a new curriculum through a step-by-step preparation, implementation and improvement of curriculum on the basis of assessments made during the implementation of curriculum activities, and it can be said that the curriculum changes have goals for improvement. A curriculum can not be formed or can not be developed without any specific purpose as the expected results. With the goal, it will facilitate the pengemang curriculum in determining the values of everything what should exist in the curriculum. Therefore, as people who would play a role in the implementation of curriculum, it is very important for prospective educators to understand and master the procedures for the purpose and content of curriculum development

B. Goal
1. Understand the procedures for curriculum development purposes.
2. Understanding the procedures for the development of curriculum content.
C. Benefits
1. Adding insight into the fundamentals of science education.
2. Improve understanding of the prospective educators about the nature of the development of curriculum goals.
3. Help prospective educators understand the purpose and procedures for the development of curriculum content.

A. Preliminary
Curriculum system illustrates that curriculum system formed by 4 components: objectives, content, method or strategy objectives, and evaluation component. Component objectives related to the direction or outcome expected. In macro scale, the formulation of curriculum objectives closely related to the philosophy or value system adopted by the community. In fact, the formulation of objectives describes a society that aspired.
The contents of the curriculum is a component associated with learning experiences that students should possess. The contents of the curriculum that involves all aspects both related to knowledge or subject matter that is usually described in the contents of each subject are given as well as activities and student activities. Both the material or activity was wholly directed to achieve the expected goals.
Strategies associated with the effort that must be done in the achievement of objectives. The strategy set out to form a strategy that puts students at the center of every activity, or vice versa. The strategy is based on regular students called student centered. How the strategies used highly depends on the objectives and curriculum materials.
Evaluation is a component to see the effectiveness of achieving the goal. In the context of curriculum, evaluation can serve to determine whether those objectives have been achieved or not, or evaluation used as feedback in improving the strategy set. Therefore, we should know how to develop goals and curriculum content.

B. Progression Curriculum Objectives
According to Law no. 20 of 2003 on National Education System is a set of plans and arrangements regarding the content or teaching materials and methods used to guide the implementation of teaching and learning. Based on such understanding, it is understood that the curriculum is a concept that aims. Each plan contained in the curriculum is always based on a specific destination, so it can be determined what is to be achieved. Component goals is one important component in curriculum development. Because without a specific purpose, it can not be prepared a plan which is a compiler tool curriculum.

There are several reasons why the goals should be formulated in the curriculum. The reasons are as follows:
1. The objective is closely related to the direction and objectives to be achieved by any educational efforts. Curriculum is a tool to achieve educational goals, thus the formulation of goals is one of the components that must exist within a curriculum.
2. Through a clear purpose, it can help curriculum developers in designing a model curriculum that can be used, and even will assist teachers in designing learning systems. That is, with clear objectives daqpat provide direction to teachers in determining the material or materials to be studied, to determine methods and learning strategies, determine the tools, media, and learning resources, and to design evaluation tools to determine the success of student learning.
3. The purpose of a clear curriculum can be used as a control in determining the boundaries and quality of learning. That is, through goal setting, including teachers, curriculum developers can control up to where the student has acquired skills in accordance with the goals and demands of the prevailing curriculum. Further, in order to determine absorption and quality of a school student.

1. Classification Objectives
According to Bloom, in his book Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, published in 1965, forms of behavior must be formulated as a goal that can be classified into three classifications or 3 domains (fields), the domain of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.
a. Cognitive domain is the goal of education is associated with intellectual ability or ability to think like the ability to recall and problem-solving skills. According to Bloom's cognitive domain consists of 6 levels, namely:
i. Knowledge (knowledge)
ii. Understanding
iii. Application
iv. Analysis
v. Synthesis
vi. Evaluation
b. Affective domain with respect to attitudes, values and appreciation. This domain is a field of continuing education objectives of the cognitive domain. This means that a person will only have a certain attitude towards an object when they already have a high level of cognitive ability. According to Krathwohl, et al. (1964), in his book Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: Affective Domain, have levels of affective domain:
i. Acceptance
ii. Respond
iii. Appreciate
iv. Organize
v. Characterization of

c. Psychomotor Domain was the purpose relating to the ability of one's skills. There are six levels that fall into this domain, namely:
i. Reflex motion
ii. Basic skills
iii. Perceptual Skills
iv. Physical Skills
v. Movement skills
vi. Communication nondiskursif

In the other words, the three domains (cognitive, affective, and psychomotor) can be described in the "3H", namely "Head", "Heart", and "Hand". Head of development of an intellectual (cognitive), Heart of the development of attitude (affective), and the Hand of the development of skills (psychomotor).
In each formulation of learning objectives, ideally three domains that have to walk, in a balanced manner. Too stressed to one domain only, such as intellectual development alone, or attitude, not be able to form a fully developed human beings as depicted in the national education. Achieving a balanced three domains should be the touchstone and target of every teacher in the learning process.

2. Herarkis Objectives
Viewed from herarkisnya, the purpose of education consists of a very general purpose to special purpose that is specific and measurable. The purpose of education of a general nature to the specific objectives that can be classified into four, namely:
a. The aim of National Education (TPN)
The objective of national education is a general purpose laden with philosophical content of a nation. TPN is the ultimate goal should be the guidelines by each business education, meaning that every institution and education providers must be able to form a human being according to the formula, both education held by institutions of formal education, informal, and nonformal. The purpose of public education is usually formulated in the form of ideal behavior in accordance with the view of life and philosophy of a nation defined by pemerintaqh in the form of laws. TPN is a source of guidance in business administration and education.
b. Institutional goal (IT)
Institutional goal is a goal to be achieved by any educational institution. In other words, this objective can be defined as a qualification to be possessed by each student after they manempuh or to complete the program in a particular educational institution. Institutional goal is the aim of achieving common goals formulated in the form of the competence of graduates of each level of education, such as standards of competence of primary, secondary, vocational, and higher education.
c. Curricular Objectives (TK)
Curricular goal is a goal to be achieved by any field of study or subjects. Curricular objective can be defined as a qualification to be possessed students after they complete a particular field of study in an educational institution. Curricular objective is basically a goal to achieve educational institutions. Thus, each curricular goal should be to support and directed to achieve institutional goals.
d. Instructional Objectives or Learning Objectives (TP)
In the classification of educational goals, learning objectives or who are also called instructional purposes, is the most specific destination. The purpose of learning is the ability (competence) or a skill that is expected to be held by students after they perform a specific learning process. This is the kind described Dick and Carey (1095), The instructional goal is That statement describes what it Is That student will from be Able to do after They have completed instruction. Because only teachers who understand the field conditions, including understanding the characteristics of students who will do the learning in a school, then describes the purpose of this study is the duty of teachers. Before teachers do teaching and learning, teachers need to formulate learning objectives that must be mastered by the students after they completed the course.

To be able to know how to formulate the learning goals or indicators of learning outcomes, then there are four main components that must be Visible in the formulation of learning outcomes indicators such as those described in the following question:
1. Anyone who studies or is expected to reach the goal or achieve the learning outcomes?
2. Behavioral or learning how the results are expected to be reached?
3. Under conditions of how the learning outcomes that can be displayed?
4. How far the results obtained beljar it biased?

The first question relates to the subject of study. The formulation of indicators should include the subject learning outcomes that make the learning process, such as Siwa, participant learning, participant upgrading, and so forth. The determination of this subject is very important in determining the learning objectives.
The second question, dealing with behavior that should appear as an indicator of learning outcomes after the subjects to follow or implement the learning process. There are two things that must be considered with the formula of this behavior. First, the formulation of behavior-oriented learning results in a more rational as the impact of a learning process.

C. Development of curriculum materials
Materials or curriculum materials is the content or curriculum content that students must be understood in order to achieve curriculum goals. Materials or curriculum materials related to the question: what should be taught and understood students? This problem is of course closely related to educational goals to be achieved.
1. Sources of curriculum materials
a. Society and culture
b. Students
c. Science
2. Selection phase curriculum materials
a. Identify needs (needs assessment)
b. Obtain curriculum materials (Assess the curriculum meterials)
c. Analysis of materials (analyze the materials)
d. Assessment of curriculum materials (appraisal of the curriculum materials)
e. Making the decision to adopt the material (make an adoption decision)
3. The types of curriculum materials
4. Criteria for determination of curriculum materials
a. Maturity level students
b. Child's level of experience
c. Level of material difficulties

More detailed explanation about the deliverables developing curriculum materials are as follows:
1. Sources of curriculum materials
Content or curriculum materials should be sourced in several with well-balanced. Curriculum content that is too highlight one aspect, can affect the balance of the meaning of education. Some sources are as follows:
a. Society and culture
School serves to prepare students agarat live in the community. Thus, what a community needs must be taken into consideration in determining the content of the curriculum. The curriculum did not notice the needs of the community will kurangt meaningful.
Community needs that must be considered in curriculum development include the community in the neighborhood (local), communities in the national structure and the global community. Needs of the surrounding environment or local communities is needed because each district has different needs and characteristics both from the standpoint of geography, culture and customs as well as potential areas. Judging from the geographical situation, every region has a different example, there are mountainous regions, coastal urban areas.
Their students need to be introduced with its local environment, so that later they have a responsibility in preserving and developing the area in which they live. Therefore, viewed from the perspective of local needs, curriculum content does not need uniforms. Biased views of their local curriculum, between different regions with one region to another.
Furthermore, society needs dalamn nationally, also should be a source of determining curriculum materials. Floating local culture in determining the content of the curriculum precisely to the national interest. Therefore, developers need to be careful in setting and curriculum materials. Do not be, the preparation of local culture can be detrimental to the national level. The development of local culture should be directed to increase the sense of nationalism, love of nation and State. In other words, local content is developed to enhance national insight.
National culture in its development is a culture that will never stop. The development of national culture is the development of a continuous culture that forever exist in status "in the making". Therefore, curriculum materials forever be changed according to the progress and development of society.
Knowingly or not, people in the world, including Indonesia, faced with the issue of globalization. Globalization is a very powerful wave hit the entire region of the world. Ready or not, we can not shy away from globalization. Therefore, globalization is not to be avoided, but is susuatu that we must face. Educational materials as an educational tool should be sourced from the global public interest.
b. Students as a source of curriculum materials
In addition to the community and its culture, the establishment of curriculum materials can also be obtained from the students themselves. Students must be made in determining the content of the curriculum, because the function of education is to, develop all potential students. So do not be surprised if the needs of children should be one source of curriculum materials.
c.Science as a curriculum resource
Science is organized knowledge in a systematic and logical. Thus, not all knowledge can be said of science. Science refers to knowledge that only have an object, and specific method. Therefore, we recognize the natural sciences (natural science), such as chemistry, physics, and biology, as well as social sciences (social sciences) as economics, psychology, and history. Materials or curriculum materials can be sourced from these pengetauan science. Curriculum content drawn from every discipline of science. The curriculum developers do not need to bother preparing the material itself. They just choose the materials which need to be mastered by students based on discipline in accordance with their level of development of their students and in accordance with their interests.
Determination of disciplines each educational institution such as elementary, junior high, high school and vocational school, which later became the field of study or subjects, not necessarily the same. Because each institution has a vision, mission and objectives are different. Similarly, viewed from the scope and breadth and depth of the materials or content in any field of study. Areas of study is taught at school and was chosen in order to membrikan academic skills for graduates to continue to pursue higher degrees, will vary with the school which prepares graduates for work.
2. Selection phase curriculum materials
Completion stage curriculum materials are the steps that must be implemented by the developer in determining the content of curriculum materials or curriculum. Selection phase is an important stage in the development of curriculum materials. Selection phase is an important stage in the development of curriculum materials or content. There are several stages in the selection of curriculum materials, namely:
a. Identify needs (needs assessment)
Necessity is the mismatch between expectations and reality. Thus, the determination of the material or curriculum materials should start from the assessment of whether the material is sufficient to achieve the goal or not. In accordance with the progress and development of the age, curriculum goals are not static but dynamic. That is the purpose to be achieved must be constantly updated in line with the demands and needs, which means the preparation of curriculum materials must menglami adjustments.
b. Obtain curriculum materials (Assess the curriculum meterials)
Obtain curriculum materials appropriate to the purpose is not an easy matter. Implementation process required careful planning and motivation and a genuine seriousness. This is so that the necessary materials in accordance with its validity.
c. Analysis of materials (analyze the materials)
Analysis of curriculum materials needed to avoid errors that may occur. Error rate against good curriculum materials from the standpoint of completeness, and accuracy can lead to poor quality of the curriculum. Analyze the curriculum materials can be done by looking at information about the material in question. In addition, material analysis can be done with mecermati curriculum content itself, such as testing the validity of facts, concepts, generalizations or existing skills in the curriculum materials.
d. Assessment of curriculum materials (appraisal of the curriculum materials)
When curriculum materials have been analyzed for accuracy, then later given a rating, whether the material is fit for use or not, sesuaikah with the demands of the curriculum or not. In determining the decision, should also be tested for its scope and sequence. Does the level of depth and order materials in accordance with the development tarap students or not, and whether the order in accordance with the circumstances the school or not.
e. Making the decision to adopt the material (make an adoption decision)
Make decision whether material or not feasible for adoption is the last stage of selecting the material. This stage is an important step and is usually quite difficult, because of the possibility of dissent from the developers of curriculum materials. This eligibility determination must be conducted objectively. Therefore, curriculum developers need to work carefully hatiu and distance himself from the subjective interests.
3. The types of curriculum materials
Usually the material to be learned student curriculum consists of facts, concepts, principles, laws, and skills. The fact is the nature of a symptom, event, object, that its form can be perceived by the senses. The fact is the knowledge associated degan specific data (single) either had or was going on that can be tested or observed. The concept is an abstraction of similarity or connectedness of a group of objects or properties. A concept has a section called attributes. Attributes are the characteristics of a draft. The combination of various attributes to be a differentiator between one concept with another concept. For example, a boy is a concept, which has certain attributes that are different attributes possessed by the concept of "girls".
The relationship between two or more concepts that are tested are called empirical generalizations which can then be drawn into the principle. Subject matter of principle will be more difficult than the facts, or concepts. Therefore, one will be able to draw a principle if it is to understand the various facts and concepts that are relevant. There is also a higher than generalizations or principles, namely the so-called theory. According to Goetz and Lacomte, the theory is the composition resulting from the development of a number of propositions or generalizations that are considered to have a systematic connectedness. The theory is a high level of knowledge of the development of a science. Through theory, can explain and predict human behavior or specific events.
Skills are the patterns of activity that has a specific purpose which requires the manipulation and coordination of information. Skills can be classified into two forms, namely intellectual skills and physical skills. Intellectual skills are thinking skills through the effort to explore, develop, and use a variety of information, whether in the form of data, facts, concepts, or principles and theory. Examples are problem solving skills through systematic steps, the skills to evaluate a program or evaluate an object, the skill set program of activities, skills planning, and so forth. Physical skills are motor skills such as computer skills, skills, driving skills, and so forth.
4. Criteria for determination of curriculum materials
In general there are several considerations in determining the curriculum materials, particularly from the point of students, namely:
a. Maturity level students
Every child has a level of development or maturity level is different. Maturity level of elementary school age children vary with the maturity level of junior high school age children. Content or curriculum materials should match the maturity stage of the child. Therefore, the level of maturity of the child will be in line with the level of psychological development of children. At the level of psychological development, it will be known tarap sensitivity and ability level of children against something, this is what we have to consider in the development of curriculum materials, learning to be effective to achieve its intended purpose.
b. Child's level of experience
c. Level of material difficulties

A. Conclusion
1. Development of curriculum is an important goal that must be done in the process of curriculum development, because the purposes has a close relation with the direction and objectives to be achieved by any educational efforts. Through a clear purpose, it can help curriculum developers in designing a model of curriculum that can be used, as well as a control in determining the boundaries and quality of learning.
2. Development of curriculum materials related to the process of determining the material that needs to be understood by learners. Development of curriculum materials based on several aspects, namely the public, students, and science. Every aspect must be balanced against each other for a curriculum that is formed to be higher quality.
B. Suggestion
This paper is expected to increase the knowledge of prospective educators regarding the procedure of development objectives and curriculum content.


Sanjaya Wina. 2008. Kurikulum dan Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Kencana

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